For those of us who refuse to get in line, to accommodate the rollback of civil and human rights, what is our choice? I think the answer is opposition.
For many of us so alienated by the American people's embrace of a fascist clown who's promised little but mayhem and vengeance for nine years, it's going to take a miracle of sorts to get up the vigor and vim to get involved in politics again. Right now I have no interest at all in contributing money to the Democratic Party, not because I feel betrayed, but because it seems like such a pathetic champion for the cause. To overcome apathy and alienation, there will have to be a bright new cause to get behind. Whether it's the Dems or somebody new, we need a bold new messianic mission to topple the oligarchy and meet all Americans' needs, starting with universal health care -- with dental! Until that happens, we're all going to be pretty mopey and hopeless.
And we need to know that our efforts are effectively focused on the right methods to achieve our goals. I'm fed up with the accusations that Dems didn't do enough to elect Kamala Harris. Our VERY red county was crawling with active volunteers doing the work. Not only are we to blame for the losses, apparently, we no longer believe the effort was worth it.
There is no question that those who worked on behalf of the Dems worked very hard. The question for me is whether the mission was bold and ambitious enough to attract enough voters. It occurs to me that the Dems, who had already declared their favor towards universal health care, held back on their commitment to it out of some I'll considered decision to hold back and play it safe. A party that doesn't go big is doomed in a contest in which the opposition is willing to break the rules and smash through barriers. I know very well that my preference is the Dems, timid as they are, but I have almost no confidence that they have the will, the means, or the strategy to win.
I appreciate what you're saying...but I barely prevented my head from exploding upon reading it. Because Dems didn't go big enough on health care (or some other worthy issue) the nation chose to abandon democracy and go for the felon and his fascist cronies? In that case, it doesn't seem like there would be anything the Dems could do that would be powerful enough to overcome such powerful stupidity and self-sabotage.
I think we need to get over ourselves about being on to the evils of the Republicans. We need to focus on why Americans would choose a demented fascist clown over what we were offering. It's obvious that what we offered was vastly better, but for various reasons the appeal of our party fell short. Since we can't very well influence Republicans, we should focus on what we can influence, the policies, personnel, messaging, and strategies of the Dems. Where I felt they fell short -- regardless of who the opposition was -- was playing it too safe, even retracting its message and ambitions. Clearly 2024 was not the time to scale back on promises or pretend to be suburban safe and bourgeois. It was time to declare war on low wages, the nation being sodomized and looted by the rich, lack of health snd dental care, good jobs, etc. The Dems rightly stood for institutional stability, but they needed a parallel mission to prove they were literally fighting for the workers of America, who have been gutted and violated by the oligarchy. I won't support a progressive party until it gets behind these things
I gave a lot and have learned from defeat that a party that capitulates and plays it safe can't prevail. It's common sense. Keep your gun powder dry until using it can be effective.
so get on board with those who are and have been fighting to get universal healthcare, then to get and keep the ACA and then to keep the GOP from dismantling it. We are out there. Subscribe to US Healthcare Digest at I am still organizing in PA. I'll help you do that where you are.
Ok, so how do we achieve the next steps? How do we get through the next 6 months to a year with some of the most difficult times since Charles Lindbergh supported the little man in Germany?
Stock your pantry well, buy all the parts you’ll need for maintaining your stuff for the next 4 years, and get down to your local Democratic Party and help to find candidates for the next cycle. Brainstorm with leaders in your community to address problems in your community and find candidates who share your vision. We can’t give up. We must reach out to find productive strategies to move forward.
I’m afraid of what lies ahead, but I’m more afraid of giving up on my democracy. I grew up with Obama and felt hopeful about the future. Future generations deserve that as well.
I agree with Bernie. We don’t have the luxury to give up. We have to fight for future generations.
This is all fine, but when you are part of a targeted minority, the clock ticks a little faster. There is a very good chance that the US as a whole will become non-viable for trans people in the coming year. Keep opposing, build back, but be aware that the more vulnerable and targeted among us aren't able to operate on the same timescale.
Simply outstanding. I have been thinking about these two terms for a few weeks looking for a demarcation. Thank you for your crystal clear writing. I'm in. I'm recruiting in my neck of the woods.Let's do this. Please see
I have good news from Australia - the Oppisition can win!
We endured 9 years of incompetent, backward-thinking government under the Liberal-Nationals, climaxing under the pompous Scott Morrison- and kicked them out.
Since then we've had a far superior government under Anthony Albanese, while the LNP remains as useless as ever.
So, it can be done.
The worse the Trump II government becomes, the more people will revolt. It won't take much to cause a big change.
Trump was only supported by about 32% of registered voters. The 37% who didn't even bother to vote can be motivated to vote in future. That's the challenge facing America - getting the disengaged involved again.
I'm sure you know a lot of the right people to craft the next chapter of the loyal opposition. I know this because I have followed you for a long time and you have done that before. You noted the craziness of a border wall over eighteen years ago.
I keep hearing this same response, that we need to dig in and get to work. Over and over (because apparently, the work we HAVE been doing has been completely meaningless.) I hear this, and this is all well and fine if you have skills in the legal venue, if you have community organizing skills. But what of those, like me, who have skills that are not useful in the kind of fight before us. I'll take your blood pressure and pulse if you want, but how will that help the cause? I wish someone would begin to give me and those like me a direction in which to focus the energy we have to offer. There are plenty who are willing to join the opposition, but now we are merely twiddling our thumbs waiting for direction.
A couple of points. I get your point. I'm tired too. Our efforts have not been meaningless. It may feel like that right now. The authoritarian playbook is to flood the zone with chaos and overwhelm us with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Don't give in. Rest. It sounds like you are in health care. Do you have a union? A Dem party to go and meet people and say what you are passionate about? Number one issue: pick your lane and dedicate yourself with your strengths. Even if that means making coffee for people with more energy right now.
Tom, this is a particularly brilliant and astute analysis of what happened and what is happening. We can’t let history repeat itself by letting down our guards, accepting the situation, and just waiting it out. We do need to fight back with everything we’ve got. Thank you for actually convincing me of that.
For many of us so alienated by the American people's embrace of a fascist clown who's promised little but mayhem and vengeance for nine years, it's going to take a miracle of sorts to get up the vigor and vim to get involved in politics again. Right now I have no interest at all in contributing money to the Democratic Party, not because I feel betrayed, but because it seems like such a pathetic champion for the cause. To overcome apathy and alienation, there will have to be a bright new cause to get behind. Whether it's the Dems or somebody new, we need a bold new messianic mission to topple the oligarchy and meet all Americans' needs, starting with universal health care -- with dental! Until that happens, we're all going to be pretty mopey and hopeless.
And we need to know that our efforts are effectively focused on the right methods to achieve our goals. I'm fed up with the accusations that Dems didn't do enough to elect Kamala Harris. Our VERY red county was crawling with active volunteers doing the work. Not only are we to blame for the losses, apparently, we no longer believe the effort was worth it.
There is no question that those who worked on behalf of the Dems worked very hard. The question for me is whether the mission was bold and ambitious enough to attract enough voters. It occurs to me that the Dems, who had already declared their favor towards universal health care, held back on their commitment to it out of some I'll considered decision to hold back and play it safe. A party that doesn't go big is doomed in a contest in which the opposition is willing to break the rules and smash through barriers. I know very well that my preference is the Dems, timid as they are, but I have almost no confidence that they have the will, the means, or the strategy to win.
I appreciate what you're saying...but I barely prevented my head from exploding upon reading it. Because Dems didn't go big enough on health care (or some other worthy issue) the nation chose to abandon democracy and go for the felon and his fascist cronies? In that case, it doesn't seem like there would be anything the Dems could do that would be powerful enough to overcome such powerful stupidity and self-sabotage.
I think we need to get over ourselves about being on to the evils of the Republicans. We need to focus on why Americans would choose a demented fascist clown over what we were offering. It's obvious that what we offered was vastly better, but for various reasons the appeal of our party fell short. Since we can't very well influence Republicans, we should focus on what we can influence, the policies, personnel, messaging, and strategies of the Dems. Where I felt they fell short -- regardless of who the opposition was -- was playing it too safe, even retracting its message and ambitions. Clearly 2024 was not the time to scale back on promises or pretend to be suburban safe and bourgeois. It was time to declare war on low wages, the nation being sodomized and looted by the rich, lack of health snd dental care, good jobs, etc. The Dems rightly stood for institutional stability, but they needed a parallel mission to prove they were literally fighting for the workers of America, who have been gutted and violated by the oligarchy. I won't support a progressive party until it gets behind these things
You won't support a progressive party until it gets behind these things? Well, it sounds like you need to look in the mirror to see why Dems lost.
I gave a lot and have learned from defeat that a party that capitulates and plays it safe can't prevail. It's common sense. Keep your gun powder dry until using it can be effective.
so get on board with those who are and have been fighting to get universal healthcare, then to get and keep the ACA and then to keep the GOP from dismantling it. We are out there. Subscribe to US Healthcare Digest at I am still organizing in PA. I'll help you do that where you are.
Ok, so how do we achieve the next steps? How do we get through the next 6 months to a year with some of the most difficult times since Charles Lindbergh supported the little man in Germany?
Stock your pantry well, buy all the parts you’ll need for maintaining your stuff for the next 4 years, and get down to your local Democratic Party and help to find candidates for the next cycle. Brainstorm with leaders in your community to address problems in your community and find candidates who share your vision. We can’t give up. We must reach out to find productive strategies to move forward.
I’m afraid of what lies ahead, but I’m more afraid of giving up on my democracy. I grew up with Obama and felt hopeful about the future. Future generations deserve that as well.
I agree with Bernie. We don’t have the luxury to give up. We have to fight for future generations.
This is all fine, but when you are part of a targeted minority, the clock ticks a little faster. There is a very good chance that the US as a whole will become non-viable for trans people in the coming year. Keep opposing, build back, but be aware that the more vulnerable and targeted among us aren't able to operate on the same timescale.
You're absolutely right. Wouldn't suggest otherwise. Will try to do my part.
Simply outstanding. I have been thinking about these two terms for a few weeks looking for a demarcation. Thank you for your crystal clear writing. I'm in. I'm recruiting in my neck of the woods.Let's do this. Please see
I have good news from Australia - the Oppisition can win!
We endured 9 years of incompetent, backward-thinking government under the Liberal-Nationals, climaxing under the pompous Scott Morrison- and kicked them out.
Since then we've had a far superior government under Anthony Albanese, while the LNP remains as useless as ever.
So, it can be done.
The worse the Trump II government becomes, the more people will revolt. It won't take much to cause a big change.
Trump was only supported by about 32% of registered voters. The 37% who didn't even bother to vote can be motivated to vote in future. That's the challenge facing America - getting the disengaged involved again.
It can be done.
Well said. Sitting on the couch and scrolling is not a solution. Shout it loud.
This is timely and deeply insightful, Tom.
I'm sure you know a lot of the right people to craft the next chapter of the loyal opposition. I know this because I have followed you for a long time and you have done that before. You noted the craziness of a border wall over eighteen years ago.
Here's a link from my old blog taking note.
That you, Tom, for voicing what's been in my head.
I keep hearing this same response, that we need to dig in and get to work. Over and over (because apparently, the work we HAVE been doing has been completely meaningless.) I hear this, and this is all well and fine if you have skills in the legal venue, if you have community organizing skills. But what of those, like me, who have skills that are not useful in the kind of fight before us. I'll take your blood pressure and pulse if you want, but how will that help the cause? I wish someone would begin to give me and those like me a direction in which to focus the energy we have to offer. There are plenty who are willing to join the opposition, but now we are merely twiddling our thumbs waiting for direction.
A couple of points. I get your point. I'm tired too. Our efforts have not been meaningless. It may feel like that right now. The authoritarian playbook is to flood the zone with chaos and overwhelm us with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Don't give in. Rest. It sounds like you are in health care. Do you have a union? A Dem party to go and meet people and say what you are passionate about? Number one issue: pick your lane and dedicate yourself with your strengths. Even if that means making coffee for people with more energy right now.
Tom, this is a particularly brilliant and astute analysis of what happened and what is happening. We can’t let history repeat itself by letting down our guards, accepting the situation, and just waiting it out. We do need to fight back with everything we’ve got. Thank you for actually convincing me of that.