You might want to check out "Gogol Bordello": Ukrainian frontman; anti-authoritarian; punk band; activists. Look up "Immigrant Punk" as a starter and go from there :)

While "American Idiot" by Greenday, was about the Bush era, it feels even more relevant to day. "Troubled Times" is what I can think of.

Also, Tom Morello and "Rage Against the Machine" are still around...

and those are the ones that I, as a Gen-Xer know... I'm sure hip millenials and Gen-Zers can point you to others.

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The Clash never made music. They made anti-music. Loud, somewhat organized noise, hyped to ear-splitting volumes, crude, ugly, grotesque, paired with words badly composed -- one might enjoy it (perverse, in my opinion) -- does not in any way rise to the level of music. It's something else. (Someone, I'm sure, will respond that it contains "classical music references" or something similar...)

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Good job, way to conflate a heavily promoted vaccine for a respiratory virus as just as important eradication of polio. And how exactly is it capitalism when the government subsidizes the vaccine and the pharma industry makes record profits

If I need a good laugh I will gladly read Piketty, someone so devoid of common sense

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That's our version of capitalism. New here? Deadly viruses, so hard to understand. This is why we have doctors. Thanks for your input.

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Also, you big mad about defense contractors? Seems like you should be, given your big pharma outrage.

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Who's version ? And we are also the only country in the world pushing the boosters for ages 6 months and up instead of just encouraging it for the immuno-compromised and elderly. Sorry, no thanks. I have already been down this road. I bought it hook, line, and sinker. Been vaxxed and now i am done. I'll go back to the good old days where I catch a cold and get on with my day.

And yeah sure if you want to discuss defense contractors I'd be happy to. That's a whole other grift.

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You sound conflicted. Also, it IS all about you. Thanks.

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Enjoy the Kool-Aid. Not conflicted. Hindsight is 20/20

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What does any of that mean? Who's Kool aid? What hindsight? Why are you so mad? You should have that looked at. Thanks.

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We need the Clash more than ever, 100% agree. Not to tell us who to vote for but push back against commercialized values and help stand up for freedom of speech. Our musicians now are teaming up with big pharma to promote vaccines and it’s a joke, getting vaccinated is a personal choice

I lost a lot of respect for John Legend when he put this out


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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Tom Watson

Polio fan I see. What's up with that?

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Also. What's big pharma? Is there a little pharma? Stop gaslighting. It's called capitalism. Read. Start with Piketty.

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Good job, way to conflate a heavily promoted vaccine for a respiratory virus as just as important eradication of polio. And how exactly is it capitalism when the government subsidizes the vaccine and the pharma industry makes record profits

If I need a good laugh I will gladly read Piketty, someone so devoid of common sense

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The Clash wouldn't adopt the fascist anti-vax conspiracy nonsense.

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I’m not a conspiracy theorist nor anti vaccine, I find it hard to believe the Clash would do a Pfizer commercial in their hay-day. And the song “complete control “ might be a nice reminder of our lockdown days

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We never had a lockdown. Easy to make stuff up. Yes, we had public health restrictions but nothing like China, and not even ar the level of the UK or Italy.

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I also find it interesting these same countries you mention differ greatly in their booster recommendations for the general public than the U.S.


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Semantics, it was state by state. The national press gave the Georgia governor got a rash of shit for trying to open back up small businesses, not sure how barber shops and bowling alleys are supposed to operate off zoom.


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