Also remember when Zeldin was going around saying favorable things about Eric Adams? That was when we all knew for sure what Adams’ deal was. Also after his election he went and had a big public dinner with a bunch of Trump/Republican donors. What a coup for the Republicans to elect a mayor of NYC disguised as a Democrat...

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Tom Watson

I have nothing against Jay Jacobs personally. I've heard he is a "nice guy" and also that he oversaw some awesome color-war breakouts at one of the summer camps he owns. But he is based in Nassau County and is the Chair of the Nassau County Democratic Party which has been bleeding Democrats to the point that two Nassau County Congressional seats flipped from blue to red. If this were a company and the Nassau County division saw that kind of performance, would he still be on the job?

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Yeah me either! Agree. But I'd also ask - maybe with only slight exaggeration - "what job?" To me, there isn't one that's like what we imagine there should be.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Tom Watson

You make good points about the strength of the coalition that seems to have defeated the LaSalle nomination (though it may not be over). But I think it also overlooks the fact that the same coalition that looked at SCOTUS and other state courts and thought LaSalle was too moderate/conservative/in the mold of DiFiore is also looking at Ben Wikler and Lavora Barnes and seeing our sleep-away director of a state party chair and thinking something's not right here. It may be that the whole Democratic Party needs to be restructured so it does resemble those "swing state" parties. Because NY may not be a "swing state" in presidential elections yet but it sure as hell swung the midterms so that Kevin McCarthy is Speaker.

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Sure, something is definitely not right - but I think it's also taking the easy social media path, to be brutally honest. Who would be appointed to replace JJ? And appointed to what exactly? I think these questions matter. And you're 100% correct - we need swing state muscle. I'd hope that *everyone* is on board for a much stronger and larger Democratic organization in New York!

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Why is it that the Hochul people (and herself) would want to turn around and stick a finger in the eye of her most fervent supporters--the people who knocked on doors and got people to come out and vote in a Midterm year? What’s the strategy in that? Is it big donors? I can’t see how it helps build strength and popularity for her. I feel it’s catering to a media establishment that wanted Zeldin in the job--bad--so then they could write stories about how Democrats lost “blue” New York and how the Democrats are in crisis, etc? I think we also need a deep-dive about the overlapping ownership of major media outlets, corporations and major Republican donors. You have been spot on with criticism of the broken NYT--maybe that can be the starting point? Thanks for the essay, it’s spot on.

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